Emma Amelia Pearl Czikai, 54 is suing Britain’s Got Talent saying that the show humiliated and degraded her by airing her audition. According to The Independent she is claiming discrimination because she was suffering from a health condition that affected her voice when she auditioned. The paper adds in her claims, “she suffers from fibromyalgia, a condition which causes painful swelling all over the body and extreme tiredness, as well as spondylosis in her neck. She lost a lot of weight after her mother’s death in 2006 and was recovering from an operation to remove excess skin from her arms when she went before the show’s judges in January last year. Miss Czikai said her arms were painful and swollen and she struggled to hold the microphone close to her mouth.” The case is currently in the pre-trial phase and they will decide if the case should move on. According to The Hollywood Reporter she is asking for “£300,000 for injured feelings, compensation of £1 million and loss of earnings of £1.25 million.” The trade added if she were to win the money it would go to charity.
After watching what aired on BGT, do you think that the judges and editing humiliated her or that she humiliated herself?
I personally think if you don’t feel you are 100% when you audition, that you should wait until you are. Plus I think it is no secret that when you go on any of these talent show, especially one with Simon Cowell and Piers Morgan you should expect them to make fun of you. They do it to the good contestants as well as the bad ones.
It will be interesting to see if her case is accepted and she went on to win, how it will change what we see during the audition phases on these reality shows. They could become real boring, real fast.
Bill Murray was on the Late Show with David Letterman yesterday and he dived into a dumpster pool. I don’t know about you, but there is no way in hell you could get me to do what he did. I don’t care if that dumpster was bleached, detoxed, blue tarped, chlorinated and got the seal of approval it was safe, I grew up in NYC and you don’t know where it has been, what and who has been in it and why and how that dumpster was chosen so no way you could get me to do that. I guess Bill Murray is a lot braver or stupider than me. BTW if I were him, I would’ve given Letterman a big hug as soon as he greeted him. I would have loved to seen the gap toothed host’s face if the Groundhog star got him all wet with whatever type of water was in that dumpster pool!
Finally that dive reminded me of another pool scene with Bill Murray that he did in a little movie called Caddyshack. If given a choice which pool I would rather dive into, my answer would be none of the above.
One of the most buzzed movies for the fall is Buried and now we are finally getting the full trailer. Maybe I am biased because Ryan Reynolds is on my To-Do list, but I can’t wait to see the movie when it comes out September 24th. Seriously I just loved the loved the line, “You ransom video already has 47,000 hits on YouTube.” Gotta love YouTube, where a ransom video can get almost 50,000 hits. If it were the real world it probably would have gotten 100,000 hits and a mash up before someone paid it…if they pay it.
Before Amy Yasbeck played a huge rock star on Hot in Cleveland, she was just trying to be one in House 2: The Second Story. She looks exactly the same now as she did with when she was 24 in that 1987 horror film, but her hair isn’t as big as it was back then.