Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » June
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Jane Lynch gets married on Party Down tonight!
June 25th, 2010 under Jane Lynch, Starz!. [ Comments: none ]

Jane Lynch returns to Party Down on tonight’s season finale at 10p on Starz; but instead of working with them, she has hired them to cater her wedding to a very rich much older guy played by Alex Rocco. All of her ex-co-workers and his daughter played by Still Standing’s Jennifer Irwin are trying to top them from getting because no one trusts the other ones motives. Will they stop the wedding or will it go on without a hitch? You have to tune for an ending you will not see coming and to watch the funniest episode of the season if not the whole series!
Party Down is the funniest show that no one is watching, so why not make it the funniest show some people are watching tonight at 10p on Starz!


How is American Idol’s Antonell Barba not on Jersey Shore?
June 25th, 2010 under American Idol 6. [ Comments: none ]

via Idol Chatter
Remember American Idol 6 wannabe Antonella Barba who was more famous for the pictures that she took for her boyfriend at the time than her voice? Well she has a new music video out called Jersey Girl, and I want to know how she is not on Jersey Shore. Unlike the people who are on the show, she really is from Jersey Shore. And unlike Snooki she actually looks good in a bikini. Plus if you actually listen to the lyrics (I don’t know why I did), she is everything the show is about.
Rumor has it that they are looking to replace most of the cast on the MTV reality show, I say we petition to get her on the show. Jersey needs to be represented and she would be perfect.


Hot Links!
June 24th, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess whose boobs came out for a premiere? – Dlisted
Who misses smoking pot? – Gabby Babble
Janice Dickinson's death stare – Popbytes
Who was a crazed sex poodle? – Celebitchy
Kim Kardashian gets her butt measured – ICYDK
Paris Hilton can't stop looking at her boobs – cityrag
Robert Pattinson really is a Dracula – Agent Bedhead
Kristen Stewart actually looks pretty – Amy Grindhouse
Does Michael J Fox look better than his Martin McFly age? – Ayyyy!


Oh Fock, I want to see Little Fockers!
June 24th, 2010 under Frat Pack. [ Comments: none ]

I have to admit for the most part I hate Ben Stiller films, but I really want to see Little Fockers when it comes out on December 22nd. I enjoyed everything about Meet the Parents, but Stiller and then when Meet the Fockers came out I was thoroughly disappointed about everything in the movie. But after watching the teaser trailer for Little Fockers, it looks like it will be the first film of his I will like him in since Keeping the Faith. Forgetting him, Robert De Niro looks freaking hysterical in the third movie of the franchise. He really made the first one and I think he will make this one too. I seriously can’t believe how many times I found myself LOLing in that teaser trailer. Why are Viagra induced erections always funny?


BTWF roles: Rose McGowan in Encino Man
June 24th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Rose McGowan was in her high school’s cool group in Jawbreaker, she was just your average student in Encino Man. She looks exactly the same now as she did when she was 18 in that 1992 movie.


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