Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » January
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BTWF roles: Josh Radnor in Not Another Teen Movie
January 25th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous, How I Met Your Mother. [ Comments: 1 ]

Before Josh Radnor was telling his kid How I Met Your Mother, he went to the prom with a woman that wasn’t the mother in Not Another Teen Movie…at least as of now we don’t know if she is the mother… The 27 year old looks the same now as he did in that 2001, but with better hair and without that horrible blue tux!


Jessica Alba and the audience walk out of the Killer Insider Me screening
January 25th, 2010 under Jessica Alba. [ Comments: 3 ]

Jessica Alba’s latest film Killer Inside Me was screened in Sundance over the weekend and reportedly not only did some of the audience walk out of the film but so did the star herself. According to Jam! it’s presumed that the audience left early because the film was too violent. They weren’t the only ones because Jessica Alba was their to introduce the film, but was no where to be found for the Q&A after the screening leaving the director, Michael Winterbottom, to fend for himself from the irate audience. When one of the outraged women in the audience asked the director about the extreme violence he said, “When you read the book, it’s incredibly shocking. But the violence is supposed to be horrible.” Now I am tempted to see this movie, but something tells me I should wait until it is on cable because it might be like the last word in that quote from the director.
BTW Casey Affleck and Kate Hudson are also in the film, but did not attend the screening…sounds like they lucked out?


Billie Piper interviews the real Belle on Showtime tonight
January 25th, 2010 under Showtime. [ Comments: none ]

A few months ago I read that Billie Piper was going to interview the real Belle (Dr. Brooke Magnanti), the woman that her hit show The Secret Diary of a Call Girl is based on, but at the time it was only going to air in The UK and I was really bummed. I was so upset, I was going to ask my friend to watch it for me and tell me all about it. Then I got an e-mail from my contact at Showtime and she told me that they are going to air it before they launch the third season this darling show (which is my favorite one so but more about that next week when the new season premieres.) and I got all excited…but not in a Belle type of a way. I can’t wait to learn about the real Belle and her life as a call girl. Seriously how interesting is it going to be to hear her story. BTW didn’t they do an amazing job casting Billie Piper as Belle considering we only recently found out who the real Belle is? So tune into Showtime tonight at 10p for what should be a tantalizing interview!
And make sure to keep your TVs on Showtime at 10:30p for the premiere of Tracey Ullman’s State of the Union where she will introduce some new characters this season like Mrs. Bernie Madoff and Candy Spelling.


Damages is back for more damge on FX tonight
January 25th, 2010 under FX. [ Comments: none ]

Glenn Close is back as Patty Hewes in Damages tonight on FX at 10p and this time her case is ripped from the headlines. For season 3 Tom Shayes (Tate Donovan) and her are helping the victims of a Bernie Madoff like scam. Rose Byrne is back as Ellen Parsons, but she is not working for Hewes and Associates. She is working for district attorney’s office now and of course they are also involved with the same case as her old employer. Joining the show this season are Lily Tomlin and Martin Short and both are excellent additions to the show. Lily Tomlin plays the wife of the Bernie Madoff character and I have never seen her look prettier than she does as a red head for the show. Martin Short is their lawyer and who knew he was such a good dramatic actor. Now when it comes to the story, you know Damages you have to let the whole season play out for it all the make sense. And when the season ends one of the original cast members will be dead dead…that is the other mystery for season 3. So don’t forget to tune into Damages tonight and every Monday at 10p on FX because you can’t miss a second of this show or you will be lost!


Television is going to the chimps…literally
January 25th, 2010 under Reality International. [ Comments: none ]

I think I remember one of the cartoons like The Simpsons or The Critic doing an episode where Hollywood apes were creating movies in Hollywood and I thought that would never happen…that was until now. The BBC Two is going to air a film that is entirely shot by chimpanzees on Wednesday called ChimpCam. According to the website, “Nine years ago John Capener watched a documentary that left him thinking, “a chimp could have shot this!”…and that’s where The Chimpcam Project was born. If we gave chimpanzees a camcorder, what would they do with it? What, if anything, would they film?” He brought a woman with a PhD on board and they taught the chimps how to use the cameras. The BBC reports that for “over 18 months, she introduced video technology to a group of 11 chimpanzees living in a newly built enclosure at Edinburgh Zoo, UK.” On Wednesday we will see how it all turned out.
Who else besides me is afraid Hollywood is going to think this is a great idea and they will let chimps make their own movies? But then again maybe Hollywood would stop remaking movies because they will be afraid for their jobs since chimps could make movies for a lot less than them. But with our luck the chimps choose to remake Gorillas in the Mist or Project X…


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