Katy Perry wants to shag John Mayer |
May 27th, 2009 under Katy Perry. [ Comments: 1 ]
Katy Perry was doing an interview with 2DayFM and they asked her who she would shoot, shag and marry? She said she would marry Pete Wentz because he seems like a good dad, shoot Benji Madden because someone has to go down and she would shag John Mayer. Actually here is really what she said about the latter, "I couldn't marry John Mayer, it'd be so intense. I'd definitely shag the sh!t out of him though. I'll go on record saying that." Can't say I blame her because I have heard that is something he is really really good at!
OK, let's take bets how long until these two start shagging…
Hugh Jackman and Daniel Craig doing Broadway together! |
May 27th, 2009 under Hugh Jackman, James Bond. [ Comments: 2 ]
Two of the hottest actors on the big screen will be starring together on the great white way according to the NY Post!!!
The drama, "A Steady Rain" by Keith Huff, is about two Chicago cops whose lifelong friendship is put to the test when they become involved in a domestic dispute in a poor neighborhood.
The play is set to open this fall and I am sure it will do amazing! C'mon these two on one stage, live and in person, what more does anyone need?Heck I am there even the play sucks, which I am sure it won't.
Guy Ritchie to destroy Guys & Dolls |
May 27th, 2009 under Stupid Sequels/Remakes. [ Comments: none ]
It wasn't bad enough that Guy Rithcie destroyed Swept Away and Sherlock Holmes, now he is set to destroy Guys & Dolls according to The Sun.
A source said: “Guy has been on the case with the idea of making a musical recently.
“He had been throwing ideas around with JASON STATHAM about writing their own musical. They were joking that it would be a cross between Worzel Gummidge and Bullitt.
“Guy has had a lot of meetings with top studio bosses about other projects but the Guys And Dolls idea really tickled him.
“He is torn between keeping the script true to the original in New York and taking it to familiar surroundings in London.”
The 1955 film, based on the hit Broadway musical, was all about a bloke who wanted to stay out with his pals every night gambling rather than spend time at home with his religious missus.
It is painful enough that Hollywood plans on remaking this classic Broadway show and movie, but seriously with all the directors out there why oh why do they have to use Guy Ritchie. I am still not over how sh!tty Swept Away. The only way I might consider seeing it is if he gets Craig Bierko to reprise the role he is currently playing on Broadway in the show.
Hot Links! |
May 26th, 2009 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]
Who does that bad boob job belong to? – Dlisted
Beyonce needs a brush ASAP – ICYDK
What do Lily Allen I agree about? – WIMB
Is Sharon Stone wearing a garbage bag? – Ayyyy!
Who is showing off their breast reduction? – Holy Moly!
Adam Sandler shows off his Sunny girl |
May 26th, 2009 under Adam Sandler. [ Comments: none ]

Splash News Online
Adam Sandler brought all his girls to the set of his latest movie Grown Ups and for the first time we are seeing awwwwdorable little Sunny. How cute is the almost 8 month little girl? Plus Adam looks so happy to be holding Sunny in one hand and Sadie's hand in his other.
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