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Lindsay Lohan’s personal blog
December 24th, 2008 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: 1 ]

random thoughts 🙂

i think that people go through a lot in life. and the things that we go through, whatever they may be, simply just make us stronger in the long run… that is, if we actually take what it is we have learned from our mistakes and teach ourselves what NOT to do in the future. i have gone through a lot in my past, and to be completely honest, i am still going through a lot right now.. my father just let my family and i know, amongst others that he had another child after my little sister Aliana, or maybe he had it before Aliana?? either way, he cheated on my mother and that really sucks… MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! wow- do i sound like "debbie downer" or what? not trying to be… but back to the real reason for this blog-i feel like Britney Spears is an amazing talent, and she has gone through a lot, (just as i have) in the public eye.. which is not necessarily a bad thing.. It teaches young girls and boys that there are certain things in life that you should not let get in the way of your dreams and accomplishments. also that you need to take care of yourself before anyone else, and i mean anyone and everyone else. because at the end of the day, you have to look at yourself in the mirror and see who you really are. stripped of all the distractions in life. so YAY Britney for just being you and still following through with your dreams. i know i am a bit late in writing about this record since it came out already, but better late than never!!!! 🙂
I love my mom, aliana, cody, michael, and my nana sullivan!! i will be missing them this christmas as it is the first one i am spending away from home. i am spending it with Samantha in Los Angeles.
yours truly,

There were rumors that the girl that claimed to be Lindsay Lohan's half-sister really was, and now as you can see Lindsay Lohan confirmed it. You have to feel so bad for her. Lindsay Lohan's MySpace blog is really personal and you can see how much she has grown in 2008. Like the person she wrote about, Britney Spears and her have both changed so much for the better. Hopefully in 2009 will both will continue down the same path because this has been the right one for both of them!


Hot Links!
December 23rd, 2008 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Know who that is, I didn't – Dlisted
WTF is J-Lo doing? – Ayyyy!
Lily Allen topless again – The Blemish
Eva Longoria spares Santa Clause – ICYDK
Which couple is ready to breed now? – Candy Kirby
Naomi Watts shows off her brand new son! – Splash
The critics hate Valkyrie as much as Hitler himself – AB
Wait does Amy Winehouse look sober? – Celeb Warship
Danielle Fishelle shows off her cleavage – The Bastardly
Michael Jackson not dying, but still weird – Gabby Babble
See which Rock of Love girls has XXX pix now? – Yeeeah!
Guy Ritchie does better and younger than Madonna! – B&S
How much did ScarJo's snot covered tissue go for on eBay? – WIMB
Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt ruin another beautiful thing – Popbytes

Caption Gisele Bundchen?
December 23rd, 2008 under Caption the Celeb. [ Comments: none ]

This picture of Gisele Bundchen has Caption Me written all over so go ahead and do it. 

Contest Time!
December 23rd, 2008 under Contests. [ Comments: 1 ]

Contest 1: Enter to a win a A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All! DVD!!! All you have to do is E-Mail me the answer at [email protected] to "What holiday is Stephen Colbert celebrating in this special?" by December 25th with your name and address! A winner will be selected at random!
Get even more Stephen Colbert holiday goodness with “A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All!” DVD featuring bonus materials such as a book burning Yule log, video advent calendar, alternate endings and more. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the charity, Feeding America.
“A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All!” is an original musical holiday special in which Colbert is on his way to perform with Elvis Costello in New York City but is trapped in his cabin in upstate New York (bear country). Luckily, his friends Feist, Toby Keith, John Legend, Willie Nelson and Jon Stewart stop by to help him celebrate the season.
Songs performed on “A Colbert Christmas” include:
* “Another Christmas Song” – Stephen Colbert
* “Have I Got A Present For You” – Toby Keith
* “The Little Dealer Boy” – Stephen Colbert and Willie Nelson
* “Can I Interest You In Hannukah?” – Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart
* “Nutmeg” – Stephen Colbert and John Legend
* “Please Be Patient” – Feist
* “There Are Much Worse Things To Believe In” – Stephen Colbert and Elvis Costello
* “(What’s So Funny ’bout) Peace, Love And Understanding” – Stephen Colbert, Elvis Costello, Feist, Toby Keith, John Legend and Willie Nelson
A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All! DVD is available now as the perfect stocking stuffer!!!

Contest 2: Enter to a win Robin Thicke and ABBA slotMusic Players!!! All you have to do is E-Mail me the answer at [email protected] to "Which ABBA album is featured on their slotMusic Player?" by December 25th with your name and address! A winner will be selected at random!
slotMusic players are the hottest music gift this holiday season. So what exactly is a slotMusic player?
slotMusic cards enable consumers to instantly and easily enjoy music from their favorite artists without being dependent on a PC or internet connection. Users simply insert the slotMusic card into their microSD-enabled mobile phone or MP3 player to hear the music – without passwords, downloading or digital-rights-management interfering with their personal use.
slotMusic cards will be bundled with a tiny USB sleeve ensuring seamless interoperability with all computers – Windows, Linux and Mac. The upshot is that slotMusic will enjoy an unparalleled, pre-existing install base at launch: hundreds of millions of multimedia-phones, virtually any computer with a USB connector and a growing number of in-car sound systems will be able to play slotMusic cards.
Robin Thicke and ABBA are only two of the many artists who embraced the latest advancement of music! Who wouldn’t want to get Robin Thicke’s Something Else and Abba’s Gold slotMusic players wrapped up this season?


Is 3D the new black in horror?
December 23rd, 2008 under Movies. [ Comments: 1 ]

Is Horror’s new thing 3D and no longer the genre Eli Roth popularized? Well The NY Times seems to think so with the upcoming releases of My Bloody Valentine 3D, Final Destination 4 in 3D and Piranha 3D to name a few.

If “My Bloody Valentine 3D” is a success — and with a modest budget of about $20 million, success is easily within reach — the next big thing in horror could be at hand, said Joe Drake, the co-chief operating officer of Lionsgate and the president of the studio’s motion picture group. “We see 3-D horror as financially lucrative and creatively exciting,” he said. “We want to break some new ground here in R-rated fare.”

Horror tried 3D in the ’80s with Friday the 13th, Jaws, Nightmare on Elm Street and Amityville Horror and all did crappy, so I don’t think that will be the answer. I think people want their blood in blood red and not 3D red. I know I have personally never been a fan of 3D because I like my movies in color and was never wowed by the effects of knife or eyes coming at me. In fact I never heard someone say, OMG having that horror movie in 3D was the best thing. Plus with HD, 3D kind of seems archaic. I think horror movie fans would rather see another Hostel like movie than a 3D horror movie.
Now I am not saying that I want My Bloody Valentine to do bad in the Box Office because I am a huge fan of horror, but I think the 2D numbers will be much higher per screen than it will in 3D. Seriously who here is leaping out of their seat to see a 3D horror movie? I can’t see with or without my 3D glasses.


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