Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » March
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Britney Spears had a short hospital stay today
March 25th, 2007 under Britney Spears. [ Comments: none ]

X17 Online filmed Britney Spears entering Century City Hospital today for a tooth ache. The Other Blog got this statement from her manager Larry Rudolph about her less that two hour stay at the hospital, “They’re all wrong, she just went to the dentist. She had a tooth ache, I have no more details.” Britney is back y'all.
BTW this is the first side profile we have seen of her without a jacket since she left rehab and she looks so much skinnier, doesn't she? 

March 24th, 2007 under Randomness. [ Comments: none ]

So I was going through my RSS reader and “Eduardo” the Freek posted this video from All That Jazz. Bye Bye Life is one of my favorite musical numbers of all time. There is just something about it that wows me even to this day. I haven’t seen All That Jazz in years and and after watching the clip I can’t help but just click watch again over and over!
If you haven’t seen All That Jazz, rent it today. And after you see it, you will understand why I have been saying that I wish this was the Bob Fosse production that they brought to the big screen again and not Chicago.
So press play and have “Bye Bye Life, Bye Bye Happiness, Hello loneliness, I think he’s going to die, Bye Bye your life good-bye” stuck in your head for days!


Marisa Tomei shows us she wears underwear
March 24th, 2007 under Celeb Oops. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see the NSFW photo, then click here!


Want to know what is coming up on Heroes?
March 24th, 2007 under Heroes. [ Comments: none ]

Want to read the descriptions of the last few episodes of the season, then click here!


The first pix of Britney Spears post-rehab
March 24th, 2007 under Britney Spears. [ Comments: none ]

Flynet Online photographed Britney Spears going to dance lessons in Studio City. And then X17 Online photographed with blue not brown eyes after she had sushi with some with friends. I am so bummed she is she is sporting a wig, I was looking forward to see how hair was growing in. 

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