Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 90210 and Privileged are the only new shows tonight
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[ # ] 90210 and Privileged are the only new shows tonight
November 4th, 2008 under Beverly Hills 90210 / Melrose Place

CBS, NBC, FOX and ABC are all doing election coverage tonight which leaves The CW to be the only network that is airing original programming with 90210 and Privileged. And what really good programming it is! It took 90210 a while to find its groove and now that it has I am totally hooked! Watch with Kristin is saying that someone is going to get pregnant on 90210, and I wonder if that person got knocked up that party… So if they did than that means this the must watch episode!!!
When it comes to Privileged it is the best new show of the season that you are not watching! Please please please give it a chance because I know for me it is one of the only shows (new and old) that I look forward to watching and don’t feel pressured to watch out of loyalty! It is a well written, well acted acted show with great chemistry that leaves you wanting more more more and if you don’t check it out The CW might cancel it. So please give it a chance what else is there to watch tonight?
So tune into The CW at 8p for 90210’s climatic (no pun) episode and stick around at 9p for Privileged a show that is always good!!!


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