Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Eva Longoria’s hair today, gone today
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[ # ] Eva Longoria’s hair today, gone today
July 15th, 2008 under Desperate Housewives

Eva Longoria was filming scenes on Desperate Housewives with what looked like her normal hair length and then when she left with Tony Parker she debuted her new short do. I think the new cut is cute, but I wonder when she had time to do it because we just saw on vacation with longer locks.

UPDATE: OK! found out why Eva Longoria is looking a little heavier and why she cut her hair.

“For the upcoming season of Desperate Housewives [Eva’s character] Gabrielle has “gained” weight and cut her hair,” says the actress’ rep Liza Anderson. “She is now a worn-out mother with two kids. Eva has enjoyed a more relaxed environment and will even be wearing butt pads and stomach pads.”

Do you believe that answer? I am not sure I do…


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