Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jessica Alba and Cash Warren got married!
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[ # ] Jessica Alba and Cash Warren got married!
May 20th, 2008 under Jessica Alba

(photo from WireImage)
Jessica Alba and Cash Warren secretly tied the knot yesterday according to People!
According to a source, they were married in the Beverly Hills courthouse's ceremony room under an arch of green silk foliage and white flowers. They were casually dressed, with Alba wearing a long blue dress and her hair back in a ponytail.

"She looked happy but nervous," the source says.

Warren, in a white shirt and brown pants, arrived with Alba at about 11:30 a.m. on Monday, applied for a marriage license and waited about 40 minutes for the paperwork to be processed before a staff member from the courthouse married them, the source says.

A few years ago my friend got married in a civil ceremony like that and I can tell you it is the way to go! Especially if you are days are away from having your baby like Jessica and Cash. Guess the whole I won't get married while I am pregnant went out the window the closer she got to her due date!

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