Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Clay Aiken shoved by a woman on a plane
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[ # ] Clay Aiken shoved by a woman on a plane
July 8th, 2007 under American Idol 1-5

(photo from Clay's Daily Double
So Clay Aiken was on a plane going to his Tulsa concert when he got into an argument with a woman according to Tulsa World. Clay Aiken put his foot on another passenger's armrest and she told him to move his feet. When he didn't the two got into an argument and she pushed him. The flight crew was able to resolve the matter, but the FBI was called in anyways and no charges were filed. Clay later joked at his concert that he was pushed by a girl.
This is not the first time someone complained about Clay's feet on a plane, last month Celebitchy had a story about passengers complaining about his very smelly feet stinking up the cabin. Not sure if that was the case this time, but if it was the woman was in right. I hate smelly people on planes.

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