Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Tonight’s American Horror Story is the scariest one yet!
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[ # ] Tonight’s American Horror Story is the scariest one yet!
October 31st, 2012 under American Horror Story, FX

Today is Halloween and I guess that is why tonight’s American Horror Story: Asylum on FX at 10p is the scariest one yet. There is a storm coming towards Briarcliff Mental Institution and it is as crazy outside as it is inside. While the Nor’easter is coming their way, the patients will be watching a movie. A few of them will have their brilliant idea of escaping, but things don’t always go as planned… In fact something so shocking will come at the end of the episode that you won’t want to eat of Halloween candy after you see it.
Now I know I am not saying too much about tonight’s episode and that is for two reasons. The first is I don’t want to spoil it for you. The second is I don’t want to relive it because it really scared the sh!t out of me! And there are very TV shows or movies that I can say that have ever done that to me.


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