Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The cast of Two and a Half Men take a bow
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[ # ] The cast of Two and a Half Men take a bow
August 6th, 2011 under Chuck Lorre

Yesterday Ashton Kutcher taped his first show of Two and a Half Men with the whole cast minus Charlie Sheen in front of a studio audience and when the show ended he took a bow with his new castmates. Even though it is only week one, it looks like the chemistry is already there for all of them.
After the billionaire with a broken heart took a bow, Lee Aronsohn the co-creator of the show Tweeted, “First episode is in the can! Look forward to watching it tomorrow on TMZ.” He was right because here are the details that TMZ of Charlie Harper’s demise got from some of the audience that was there.


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