Seriously? OMG! WTF? » MasterChef caught faking it
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[ # ] MasterChef caught faking it
June 23rd, 2011 under Fox

On Monday’s episode of MasterChef they were caught faking it, but luckily for the Fox show it wasn’t part of any of the competitions. In the opening seconds of the show when they mentioned thousands and thousands auditioned for the show, they faked the shot of how many people came out by doubling a few grew groups of the auditioners to fill in the empty spaces. Although when the average person watches it they will miss it but one quick eye is all it takes. And thanks to the internet, we get to see what they cooked up to fool us.
When EW’s Inside TV contacted Reveille Productions about the snafu, here what they said happened “We have reviewed the footage and it’s clear that the scene was enhanced in post-production. We sincerely apologize to our viewers and hope that they still enjoyed the show.” You know whoever made that decision is experiencing Hell’s Kitchen right about now.
Will this forgery make me stop watching the show? Nope because everyone knows reality television isn’t real, but it is always fun when they get caught!
BTW watch the opening scene below and see if you can catch the error without pressing pause. I know I couldn’t, but once I did hit pause I totally saw it.


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