Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Shocking another death coming to Desperate Housewives!
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[ # ] Shocking another death coming to Desperate Housewives!
September 7th, 2010 under Desperate Housewives

(photo from ABC)

Marc Cherry is teasing the upcoming season of Desperate Housewives to TV Guide and guess what someone is going to die. He told TVG, “I’m not doing another big gimmicky natural disaster this year; I’m trying something different,” reveals Cherry. “My big cliffhanger right before we take our Christmas break will have to do with Paul Young. He has a plan for destroying the neighborhood. There will a shocking cliffhanger that effects everyone’s lives, and then right before February sweeps, we’re going to kill off one of our characters.” Ummm…last time I checked a small plane is not a natural disaster, but what do I know I am just a viewer who feels like the show has become one big natural disaster that won’t go away. When it comes to who dies, sounds like it might be Paul Young since he is the one responsible for the winter season finale? Although if I had my choice who should die on Wisteria Lane, I would say everyone and let’s put this show out of our misery!
Hey Marc, seriously can you really try something different soon because the show feels like it is a repeating itself and not any of the good stuff that is worth redoing?


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