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[ # ] Say Hell-o again to Glee tonight!
April 13th, 2010 under Glee

After 4 months of waiting Glee is finally back on Fox tonight at 9:28p. I have seen this week’s and next week’s episode and I forgot how much I loved this show until I saw them. Glee just keeps getting better with every episode and next week’s Madonna might be the best one ever! I can’t stop watching it, so make sure to set your DVRs and Tivos because you are going to want to keep that episode forever.
Tonight’s episode picks up a little after the last one left off, and there will be a lot changes coming. I don’t want to spoil you because Glee is meant to be enjoyed and not spoiled. So sit back tonight at 9:28p, tune your TVs to Fox and enjoy while you sing along with Glee. The show really is one of the best produced scripted programs that has ever graced television.


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