Seriously? OMG! WTF? » American Cinematheque is honoring Matt Damon!
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[ # ] American Cinematheque is honoring Matt Damon!
August 28th, 2009 under Matt Damon

Jimmy Kimmel might not have time for Matt Damon, but the American Cinematheque does. According to Variety the much honored award will be given to the Oscar winner in March and believe it or not this is first lifetime achievement. Who am I kidding? We are all shocked he is getting one, but considering they have already honored Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Nicole Kidman, John Travolta, Nicolas Cage (I attended that one) and Ton Cruise, who is else left Ben Affleck? Actually in all seriousness he deserves the honor because he has done some good movies and he just seems so likable, so good for him. And you know they will get some really good names to come out for him like Ben, his Ocean’s partners-in-crime and his f*cking buddy Sarah Silverman.
BTW since the honor will be airing on ABC, hopefully they will get Jimmy Kimmel to host the night. How freaking awesome would that be???


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