Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Britney Spears walks off the stage for 30 minutes
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[ # ] Britney Spears walks off the stage for 30 minutes
April 9th, 2009 under Britney Spears

Britney Spears played a few songs and then stopped her show for 30 minutes last night in Vancouver claiming that the stadium was too smokey.
Here is how the Vancouver Sun broke down the 30 minute break…

8:36: Stage has been dark again for a few minutes. The impatient-for-Brit crowd chants: “Britney. Britney. Britney.” There’s even a few boos and some howls. Are they in pain?
People want more Britney. But the gal’s got to change doesn’t she? Tsk.
8:44: Still nothing on-stage. Just darkness. “Britney. Britney. Britney.” This doesn’t usually happen until an encore.
8:45: Still nothing. And then a voice comes over the loudspeaker with an announcement about smoking in GM Place.
“It’s become uncomfortable and unsafe for the performers, including Ms. Spears,” the voice says, eliciting big boos from the crowd. “The show will resume as soon as the air around the stage is clear.”
Is this for real?
It is.
“The performance will not proceed until the air clears.”
8:51: I receive a text from a friend at the concert, seated closer to the stage than I am.
“Seriously? Is this a stall?”
Well, we’re still looking at a blackened stage. Still waiting for the air to clear?
People are chanting her name. Others are just yelling and howling. The mood is sour. I’d hate to be a smoker right about now.
8:59: The entire stadium is doing the wave in the darkness, their movements lit by their mobile phones. It’s deafening.
9:03: “We want Britney.” Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. “We want Britney.” The organ is playing. This is like a hockey game without any players.
9:05: She’s back. The blond hair reappears on-stage, she’s dressed in a sparkling silver dress singing the song, Ooh Ooh Baby.

At the end of the show she told the audience “Don’t smoke weed.” I guess she really has cleaned up her act.


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