Seriously? OMG! WTF? » WTF, Nicole Richie only weighs 82 pounds?
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[ # ] WTF, Nicole Richie only weighs 82 pounds?
August 25th, 2006 under Nicole Richie

A reported 82 pounds may seem gorgeous to Nicole Richie, but her dad is having none of it. He tells Extra tonight that he’s trying to get his ropy daughter to gain weight."She’s going to be all right," he says. "Of course I’m all over her every day, [begging] ‘Meet me for lunch, meet me for dinner.’"She’s putting it away. I have just got to figure out how to get more [meat] on her. That’s all, she’s running herself to death."


When someone weighs 82 pounds you don’t invite them to eat out, you take them to rehab. And I am sorry you don’t get to be 82 pounds by running around, you get to be 82 pounds when you do not eat.


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