Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Write-up on the BB Aussie Official Site
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[ # ] Write-up on the BB Aussie Official Site
July 3rd, 2006 under TV Reality

For legal reasons we were not able to provide you with coverage of the events following John and Ash’s removal from the House on the weekend as they happened. For the sake of clarity here is a summary of the events that followed their departure.

On Saturday night, John and Ashley were removed from the House following an incident that breached one of Big Brother’s most fundamental rules. John and Ashley left via the Diary Room unbeknownst to the other HMs who thought they had been called to the Diary Room for a standard visit.

While the surprise performance by the Rogue Traders in the garden initially distracted the HMs from the whereabouts of Ashley and John, eventually some time later they started wondering what had happened to the boys. The HMs were then called to the Diary Room where BB told them: "Last night’s incident was very serious. Camilla did not request nor want any action taken by Big Brother, however Big Brother had no option but to act and remove the two Housemates."

The HMs were shocked at the news and several of them reacted tearfully. Camilla, who was involved in the incident, sobbed: "I feel so bad, I’m sorry." But both BB and the HMs assured her that she had nothing to be sorry about.

Following BB’s announcement, discussion of the incident wasn’t broadcast on the live web streams or covered in the BB Diary for legal reasons. However, Camilla did speak to her HMs about the events of the previous night.

"It wasn’t the right thing to do and even though Ash meant it as a joke, it wasn’t good behaviour," she told the group. But she added that she has no hard feelings towards the boys whatsoever. "There was no malice intended, they were doing it in a playful way and when I said very specifically to John: ‘Don’t. No,’ he didn’t do it."

On Sunday Camilla was interviewed by the Queensland Police and she told them she didn’t wish to take the issue any further. It is no longer a police matter.

Despite the upsets of the last 48 hours, the HMs are moving on from the incident and vowing to continue enjoying their time in the House.

Big Brother Australia 



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