Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Would you want to Smash this yummy Guinness World Record?
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[ # ] Would you want to Smash this yummy Guinness World Record?
May 14th, 2009 under Guinness World Records

Sunday on Sky1’s Guinness World Records Smashed, Charlie Bell is trying to break the record of moving over 15kg of maggots in an hour from one bucket to another. That mean he has to move two and half pints of maggots per minute for the whole hour! Yum!!!
So how did he get ready to smash that Guinness World Record?

Having practised at home for months by moving rice from one bowl to another, will Charlie crack under the studio spotlight and the stench of the real thing?
Charlie Bell says: “the hardest part of this record will be controlling my gag reflex. I’m used to having maggots in my mouth because I’m a fisherman, and often warm them up before putting them on the hook – but this is a different game all together. The stench is going to be immense.”

And I hear the stench was as disgusting as the record he attempted was. How and why did someone even come up with and break that record in the first place? Tune in to Sky1 on Sunday at 8p to see if he is the new title holder! He better be after all those mouth full of maggots.
OK I am off to do what he did in that third bucket!


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