Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Will Ferrell upset the British Paparazzi ignored him
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[ # ] Will Ferrell upset the British Paparazzi ignored him
August 12th, 2006 under Frat Pack, Will Ferrell

‘Old School’ actor Will Ferrell was "insulted" when he got snubbed by paparazzi in London. The comedian – who shot to fame as part of ‘Saturday Live’ team – was shocked when photographers ignored him during a recent trip to the English capital.He told Total Film magazine: "I was strolling around with my wife and child. We were curious to see if anyone would notice or even care that I was there."Suddenly, this photographer materialized and went click. It was just one guy. I was insulted. I want to know where the others were hiding!"

Female First

That is so cute and sad at the same time. 


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