Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Wilfred is something to bark about!
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[ # ] Wilfred is something to bark about!
June 23rd, 2011 under FX

Tonight at 10p Wilfred debuts on FX and you are going to find this quirky comedy something to howl about. Ryan (Elijah Wood) is a down on his luck guy who has having sleep issues and trying to kill himself. His neighbor Jenna needs someone to look after dog Wilfred and comes to him. Only problem for Ryan is he sees Wilfred as human dressed in a dog’s costume who can talk with an Australian accent. So just from that description you know this show is gong to be interesting, and in a weird way it works. Wilfred becomes his BFF and Ryan learns dogs really are man’s best friend. The interaction between the two of them is great because most of the time Wilfred is just like a human giving his buddy advice and then other times he will do things just like a dog. It is just odd enough to be normal. Especially since Jason Gann, who created Wilfred back in 2002, plays the man/dog so perfectly. If all dogs were like Wilfred, I might just have one instead of a cat. So watch one of the most original shows to come to television since Small Wonder tonight and every Thursday at 10p on FX.


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