Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Why Ashlee Simpson really cancelled her tour…
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[ # ] Why Ashlee Simpson really cancelled her tour…
June 2nd, 2008 under Fall Out Boy/ Ashlee Simpson

(photo from WireImage)

"The Dog Ate My Tour"

Dear friends, fans, lurkers, stalkers and shittalkers!
I'm really sorry to announce that I'm going to postpone my tour this summer.
My team gave me a few reasons I could use:
1. jury duty (but you can get out of jury duty once)
2. creative differences (but I'm a solo artist so that didn't make sense)
3. not in the mood/have a headache (wait, that was an excuse for Pete! and it didn't work. See next reason)
4. the baby
…and that's where I drew the line.
The truth is I want to put on an amazing show for you the next time I come to your town. I promise I will be back, better than ever and ready to rock out.  Until then,

Ashlee Simpson blogged why she decided to cancel her summer tour and it is great to see she has a sense of humor about it.  I respect her for not using the baby as an excuse.


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