Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Who will we spot having a threesome on Gossip Girl tonight?
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[ # ] Who will we spot having a threesome on Gossip Girl tonight?
November 9th, 2009 under Gossip Girl

Tonight is the night that we will finally find out who will have a threesome on Gossip Girl! Do you know who it is? I seriously have no idea and I can’t wait until 9p to find out who it is! And I really hope for The CW’s sake that this three-way is a lot more exciting than the Chuck Bass same-sex kiss because that was a major let down and I am not sure if the fans will take another much-hyped episode that is a complete dud. I mean afterall this episode got the attention of the PTC and Fox News, it better be worth it.
Talking about Fox News you would think they would do a little research before they did the story because someone spotted a huge mistake they kept making. They said that tonight’s episode is the season finale and those don’t happen until May and that is pretty easy common knowledge.


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