Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Who was stipped of being this year’s American Idol?
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[ # ] Who was stipped of being this year’s American Idol?
March 13th, 2008 under American Idol 7

(photo © Fox)
How the heck was David Hernadez voted off instead of Kristy Lee Cook? Seriously she sang Eight Days a Week so badly that I am not sure I will ever be able to listen to it again and that was one my favorite Beatles tunes. She must must must go next week. But back to David Hernandez, now I bummed I will never hear him sing Adam Ant's Strip.
BTW here is American Idol's Top 11, I will include who is who because I still don't know which one is which.
Clockwise from Bottom L : Ramiele Malubay, Brooke White, David Archuleta, Kristi Lee Cook, David Cook, Michael Johns, Carly Smithson, Amanda Overmyer, Chickieze and Jason Castro.
(photo © Fox

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