Seriously? OMG! WTF? » What is Drew Barrymore’s ‘kind of date’?
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[ # ] What is Drew Barrymore’s ‘kind of date’?
May 28th, 2024 under Drew Barrymore

Today, on the Drew Barrymore Show, Drew and Ross Matthews talked about colonoscopies.

If you asked most people about getting one, they would be like it is awful and they despise getting them.

Not the host. “I do love a colonoscopy, guys,” she excitedly told the audience. “You get to clean out. You get to be put out. And hopefully, you wake up to good news. Like, that’s my kind of date.”

Her co-host was left dumbfounded and declared, “She is so weird.” I am not going to argue with him on this declaration because it is spot on.

I have never met anyone who loved getting one. Have you?


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