Seriously? OMG! WTF? » What happens if you microwave a whole egg?
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[ # ] What happens if you microwave a whole egg?
January 25th, 2016 under Awesome Videos

Some of us have tried to scramble eggs in the microwave, but what happens if you try to hard boil one without any water? Well, the Crazy Russian Hacker thought it would be an eggcelent idea to try that out. So he put it in the microwave and set it for 10 minutes to make sure it cooked properly. But he didn’t need those eggtra minutes because it eggploded in a few seconds. Now he has to scramble to clean up all of that splatter before he cooks anything else in there.
So ladies and gentlemen, take it from his eggperience and don’t try that home.
I will stop yolking now before I am left with egg all over my face!


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