Seriously? OMG! WTF? » What do kids think of Lady Gaga?
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[ # ] What do kids think of Lady Gaga?
June 22nd, 2011 under Lady Gaga

Every one has opinion of Lady Gaga, so have you ever wondered what kids really think about the Poker Face? Well thanks to this video from The Fine Bros we now know they fell the same as way we do. I think the kid in the green shirt said it best, “What is a gimmick?” I don’t want to spoil you on all the little nuggets in that cute video. So sit back and watch it because I promise you will love it like you love her.
So now that we know how the kids feel about her, how does the Fame Monster feel about what the kids said about her? Here is what she Tweeted with the link to the video “i just laughed so hard watching this, ah! you have to see this: You Tube. An in 10 years you’ll be at my show mini monsters.”
Just like Lady Gaga, I also found myself laughing so hard when I watched it! Too freaking cute!!!
BTW I loved that she Tweeted the video, it really shows she has a great sense of humor about her Fame and she really enjoys what her fans (of all ages) say about her.


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