Seriously? OMG! WTF? » What a horrible way to find out your are going to be a dad!
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[ # ] What a horrible way to find out your are going to be a dad!
September 29th, 2015 under Pranks

There is a couple in the Czech Republic who love to play pranks on each other. Some are fun, but most of them leave the other person in pain or in tears. In this latest prank by the Viral Brothers, the prankster was the one left crying.
You see, Erik decided to prank his girlfriend by having her catch him in bed with his ex-girlfriend. When Domisha came home, she went into the bedroom, saw them in bed and told him “Go to hell! I don’t want a child with you.” What he didn’t know, before his fake tryst, is that she is pregnant with their child. So his prank once again backfired on him in huge way.
As soon as he realized that she just told that she is pregnant, he wanted to see if she was pranking him back since they play so many jokes on each other.
In fact, he couldn’t believe her until she took another pregnancy test and proved to him that he is going to be a daddy. That is when the waterworks really started because this pranking couple are happy that they are expecting a bundle of a joy. Hopefully, it will be born on April Fool’s Day because with these two it would be fitting.


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