Akilah Wooten was in labor waiting for her baby to come out at Atlanta Medical Genreal, so what did she do to waste some time between contractions? Of course she did the Whip/Nae Nae to pass the time and try to get the baby down. Although it looked like she could’ve come up with a new way to deliver the baby. One more bop and the baby might’ve come out before she Nae Naed.
BTW I am sure she was anything but Silento when she gave birth to her 9 pound, 6 1/2 ounce daughter Erin. That is one big baby!
What happens to babies that born shortly after the mom dances to Watch Me? They become Pee Wee Football players, who don’t know whether to play the game or do the dance!
I do declare that both videos score winning touchdowns.