Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Want to hear the woman with the loudest burp?
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[ # ] Want to hear the woman with the loudest burp?
August 2nd, 2023 under Guinness World Records

Kimberly “Kimycola” Winter has a loud burp. How loud? She broke the Guinness World Record with it. How loud is it? It registered at 107.3 decibels.

Kimycola prepared for weeks to perfect her loud belch for the record-breaking moment. So what was her secret? She ate breakfast and drank coffee and beer to achieve the deafening sound.

Is her family embarrassed by it? No, they are proud of the little girl with the big burp.

However, Kimycola might lose her title to one of her family members. Her little sis has an impressive one too. So who knows, in a few years, she might be reaching out to Guinness?


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