Seriously? OMG! WTF? » TR Knight outs Isaiah Washington
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[ # ] TR Knight outs Isaiah Washington
February 19th, 2007 under Shonda Rhimes

Grey’s Anatomy star T.R. Knight admitted on Wednesday’s episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show that costar Isaiah Washington did, in fact, call him a “f@ggot” during an onset fight. It was reported in October that Washington used the slur against Knight in front of the cast and crew while arguing with fellow cast member Patrick Dempsey. “He referred to me as a f@ggot,” Knight confirmed on DeGeneres’ morning talk show. “Everyone heard it.” Knight has mainly been silent on the incident, but decided to set the record straight after Washington tried to deny the October episode in the Golden Globes press room Monday night. "I did not call T.R. a f@ggot," he said. "Never happened, never happened." After speaking in the press room, Washington denied the epithet again to Access Hollywood. "There is no way I could do anything so vile, and so horrible, not only to a castmate, but to a fellow human being," he said. "It did not happen.” But Knight tells another story on DeGeneres. The talk show host said Wednesday, “And then the other night at the Golden Globes I guess Isaiah Washington is starting up the whole thing up again which is kind of crazy…” ”Yeah, he denied that he said it (f@ggot),” Knight responded, “and I don’t know what to say about it but it’s pretty bad.” Washington’s press room denial also infuriated Grey’s cast member Katherine Heigl, who reproached her costar during an interview with Access Hollywood Monday night. "I’m going to be really honest right now, he needs to just not speak in public. Period. I’m sorry, that did not need to be said, I’m not okay with it." "I have no idea what it was, I just find it hurtful,” she told Access. “I don’t think he (Washington) means it the way he comes off… But, T.R. is my best friend. I will throw down for that kid. I will beat you up. I will use every ounce of energy I have to take you down if you hurt his feelings."

Us Weekly 

Either Isaiah Washington is the biggest schmuck on TV or he was on something on Monday because his comments before and after were way beyond stupid. I am not defending him, but he obviously has issues, it is really sad.


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