Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Toni Collette has another baby on the way!
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[ # ] Toni Collette has another baby on the way!
October 25th, 2010 under Showtime

(photo from WireImage)

Emmy winner Ton Collette is expecting her second child next year with her husband of seven years Dave Galafassi according to People. The two already have a daughter Sage Florence, 2½.
No word if her pregnancy will be written into the third season of The United States of Tara. Every season so far there has been at least one real-life pregnancy with the show. Toni was pregnant the first season, show creator Diablo Cody the season and now the star again. If I were Diablo and the Showtime picks up the show for a fourth season, I would prepare for her second baby!


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