Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The PTC is trying to stop Monday’s Gossip Girl 3-way
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[ # ] The PTC is trying to stop Monday’s Gossip Girl 3-way
November 3rd, 2009 under Gossip Girl

The Parents Television Council is trying to preempt Mondays episode of Gossip Girl because there is a Ménage à trois featured on it according to Broadcasting & Cable. The uptight parents have asked all of their members (they say 1.3 million) to write their CW affiliates to preempt the airing of the episode. According to the magazine the President of the PTC wrote in the letter that he wants his members to send out, “Please be advised that the PTC will monitor this episode very closely,” he says. “Our members will not hesitate to contact local and national advertisers; and if this program violates broadcast decency law, rest assured that our members will contact the Federal Communications Commission.” When was a three-way against FCC standards? If you don’t want your kids to watch the show, then don’t let them watch it. But America is built on free speech and we are free to watch and not watch what we don’t want to see. So if you don’t want your children to see it, then shut the TV off, but stop telling others what to do.
The best way to f*ck with the PTC is to watch Monday’s Gossip Girl at 9p and get everyone you know to watch it too! If we tell them we want to see more three-ways and we want freedom of speech on fictional TV, then maybe their voice will be silenced? So please watch!
Now let’s talk about the Ménage à trois, who do you think it is? I want it to be Blair, Chuck and Serena! What better way for Blair and Serena to kiss and make up, but to kiss and make out?


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