Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The movies really know their ABC’s!
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[ # ] The movies really know their ABC’s!
June 10th, 2016 under Awesome Videos

When we were younger our teachers tried to teach us the alphabet with that song, but don’t you wish there was a better way to do it? Burger Fiction had a lot of freaking time on their hands and they found actors and actress saying all 26 letters in about 85 movies. Now we can teach the next generation the ABC’s with this video.
Granted they might learn a few choice words, but it is a small price to play.
I just wish they included that movie where this Brooklyn guy teaches kids on a rooftop the Italian Alphabet, you know f*cking A, f*cking B, f*cking C and so on. I don’t remember the name of it, but I will always remember that scene.


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