Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul fight is postponed
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[ # ] The Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul fight is postponed
May 31st, 2024 under Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson and Jake Paul were supposed to fight each other in July on Netflix. However, today, the streaming service announced that the fight has been postponed.

Earlier this week, Tyson suffered a medical emergency on a flight to Los Angeles. His people said he was OK, but I guess he is not.

“Unfortunately Jake Paul and Mike Tyson will not face-off on July 20 as planned. Tyson’s recent ulcer flare up has limited his ability to train fully for the next few weeks.

“The fight will be rescheduled for a date later this year after Mike’s able to resume training with no limitations and both fighters can have equal time to prepare for this once-in-a-lifetime matchup!”

Netflix will announce a new date next week.


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