Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The celebs lineup to say happy 65th birthday to David Letterman!!!
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[ # ] The celebs lineup to say happy 65th birthday to David Letterman!!!
April 13th, 2012 under David Letterman

Yesterday was David Letterman’s 65th birthday and to celebrate the occasion Billy Crystal made a video with other celebrities to commemorate the milestone year for the CBS host. You have to watch the video to see just how much the Late Show host is loved by the people he interviews. So sweet.
BTW now that Letterman is a senior citizen, I guess the show is on too late for him because he actually yawned while the 9-time Oscar host was telling a story. Maybe they will have to tape the show earlier to accommodate his new lifestyle and so he can still get out in time for the Early Bird dinner specials at the local diner.


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