Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The 4400 back on USA tonight at 9p
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[ # ] The 4400 back on USA tonight at 9p
June 17th, 2007 under Reviews

Like the ad says this season of The 4400 looks extraordinary!!!
The 4400 is back for it’s fourth season tonight on USA and this season in changing things up. The last few seasons of The 4400 have been all about the 4400 returness and how their new abilities are being used. This season is focusing on the powers of people who have been taking promicin. Even though the show is changing things up, it is still keeping the same feel as previous seasons and I really like that! Each season there is a new theme to the show, and every season it works.
Last season it was all about, is Isabella good or bad and how to destroy her. Isabella starts this season in jail, so it will be interesting to see what they are going to do with her this season. Jordan Collier is back and I can’t wait to see what he is up to because you know it is going to be bad! A lot of the characters back, but not much was answered in the first episode of the season, but I know as the weeks go one we will be learning more about what they have been up to.
If you have never 4400, it is not too late to watch! What else is there to watch on Sundays at 9p especially since that show The Sopranos is over! Plus this really is a great show!!!


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