Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Text K-Fed
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[ # ] Text K-Fed
June 25th, 2006 under Britney Spears/KFed

Don’t get too excited BritneyKevin Federline is saving pennies, but not his own. Federline appeared in Times Square to unveil Virgin Mobile’s new “penny texting” plan, and to also launch a campaign to save the U.S. penny from extinction – by collecting them for charity.

K-Fed arrived in an armored truck that was covered with pennies, and stepped out wearing a Abraham Lincoln mask over his face, which he removed immediately. Kevin said a few words – has his speech on video here – and sent the very first penny text message.

Organizers handed out slips of paper bearing the phone number 310-876-4210, and told us that it was “Kevin’s phone number”. During his speech, he told everyone to text him at that number. We couldn’t see our keyboards under the blazing sun, but we tried it later at home, and got no response. Calling the number gets a "mailbox is full" recording.

Please let us know if anyone does hear back from Kevin. Yo

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