Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Supernova (not the suing band) will play Rock Star tonight!
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[ # ] Supernova (not the suing band) will play Rock Star tonight!
August 16th, 2006 under Rock Star: Supernova

Yeah, I know, last night’s show was … not the most spectacular display of rock we have ever seen. I don’t pick the songs they get. Trust me, if I did, you’d know it. As for the whole Storm thing, she could have gone with the Cake version of I Will Survive and chose not to. Sure, it’s the same song, but ultimately she opted for a less ironic version which to us, came off as really cheesy. I stand by my comments after seeing it on TV. Whatever, she is not going home today I am sure! My prediction for elimination? Patrice. Even though I don’t know what planet Zayra is on, she did take a chance. Actually, on second thought, if it were my call, I’d put together a reel of Zayra’s performances and cut her today, but send her with the reel directly to a Latin record label and say, "Here, take her… I don’t know what you got here, but it’s worth looking at. She’s just not right for what WE are doing." Honestly, I might just cut them both right now, but as I always say, it isn’t my call. I stay out of that decision making process. Tonight, we hear a Supernova song for the first time, featuring Jason, Tommy and Gilby with a yet to be named contestant having the honors. We finally get a chance to see what it is we are actually trying to do here. Find these guys a singer. Now that we are down to less contestants and the finale is drawing near, it’s time to hear and see what this thing could be. I am looking forward to it as I haven’t really heard an entire Supernova song with a contestant singing yet myself. I think that once we see what the boys are up to, it’ll be much easier to understand the rest of the show, our comments and the choices that our remaining singers make from here on out. Next week, we are back to some more rock oriented music. As for tonight’s encore… I’d give it to Ryan, Dilana or Lukas.


I hope Patrice is out tonight and last night like he said was ok. I don’t get Dilana’s scratchy voice, but then again I did not get Ruben, Fantasia, Carrie, Bo, Taylor and McPriss.


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