Seriously? OMG! WTF? » South Park takes on Ozempic
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[ # ] South Park takes on Ozempic
May 15th, 2024 under South Park

South Park doesn’t shy away from controversy. In fact, Trey Parker and Matt Stone run towards it. For example, they have taken on the COVID-19 vaccine, streaming, Only Fans (I am still not over that), and Stanley Tumblers.

On May 24th, they are tackling Ozempic, the $ 1,000-a-month weight loss medicine. In SOUTH PARK: THE END OF OBESITY, the advent of new weight loss drugs has a huge impact on everyone in South Park. When Cartman is denied access to the life-changing medicine, the kids jump into action.

I can’t wait to see the skinny of their take because you know those fat cats will destroy all those people who are taking it when they don’t have to.


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