Seriously? OMG! WTF? » SIAS a third Meet the Parents
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[ # ] SIAS a third Meet the Parents
February 19th, 2007 under Frat Pack


Teri Polo is set to reprise her role as Ben Stiller’s wife in "Meet the Little Focker," the third installment of the movie franchise. "I think he cast me in the role because I play a great straight man," she said. "Actually, I think I’m funnier off-camera." Polo worked with Robert DeNiro in the 2004 sequel, "Meet the Fockers," and in 2000 in the original "Meet the Parents." "I literally glued myself to his side because I didn’t know if I ever was going to get this opportunity again," she said of their collaboration. "I asked him what was more difficult — comedy or drama — and it surprised me when he said it’s basically the same thing. It’s all in the way you deliver the line." Polo, a 37-year-old divorced mother of a young son, can next be seen playing a cynical divorce attorney who finds love with her legal opposition in "Love is a Four Letter Word," airing Saturday on the Hallmark Channel.

AP (story) and Meet the Fockers (photo) 

I am so over Ben Stiller. DeNiro and Teri Polo were great in both movies, but seriously is there a need for a third one. What are they have her pregnant and their families dealing with it?


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