Seriously? OMG! WTF? » See what you are missing by not watching CBS’s Jericho
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[ # ] See what you are missing by not watching CBS’s Jericho
January 10th, 2007 under Jericho

On February 21 history begins again with all new episodes
New secrets will be revealed that will change everything…

Since the JERICHO fall finale last November, millions of fans have flocked to the show’s website ( to participate in a number of online activities, including watching entire episodes from the first half of the season, exchanging theories about the show on community message boards, contributing to the fan-generated Wiki-encyclopedia, previewing sneak-peeks of exclusive footage from upcoming episodes and tuning in to entire original episodes of the online JERICHO webumentary “Countdown.” Log on to to learn more about JERICHO .


This show has quickly become one of my favorite shows of the new season! In fact it took over for Lost as my must see show on Wednesday!
BTW how amazing is that Five for Fighting song? He always has one timeless classic on each of his albums!


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