Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sean Puffy P Diddy Combs has another new name
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[ # ] Sean Puffy P Diddy Combs has another new name
November 6th, 2017 under P Diddy

Just when you were getting used to calling Puffy Combs, Diddy, he goes ahead and changes his name yet again. Over the weekend he took to Twitter and explained his name change. He said, “I have some very serious, serious news. I’ve been praying on this. I know it’s risky because it could come off as corny to some people. I decided to change my name again. I’m just not who I am before. I’m something different. So my new name is Love, aka Brother Love. I will not be answering to Puffy, Diddy, Puff Daddy, or any of my other monikers but Love or Brother Love.”

Yeah, that ain’t gonna happen. He is going to be Diddy to me because that is what he has been going as for years and I am too lackadaisical to learn a new name for him.

And how are we supposed to get used to his new name if his Twitter page is still listed as Sean Diddy Combs?

BTW no word from Jennifer Love Hewitt and how she feels about him going by her name. I am sure she feels like she owns it. Which she does.

Finally, how long do you think this moniker will last? A month? A year?


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