Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Samantha Ronson’s loss, is eHarmony’s gain!!!
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[ # ] Samantha Ronson’s loss, is eHarmony’s gain!!!
April 14th, 2009 under Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan and Funny or Die have teamed together to create this very funny video for eHarmony! OMG! Lindsay Lohan the actress is back because that is the best thing I have seen her do since Mean Girls!
Hopefully she will meet her next true love soon via eHarmony which I think she will because she definitely sold herself well in that profile!
xoxo Kim!!!

UPDATE: My incredible contact, Patrick Starzan, at told me the story how this hysterical video that has had over 1,000,000 views in 12 hours came about.

Lindsay contacted us late last week about doing a Funny or Die video with all the stuff that everyone’s saying. Our writers immediately starting pitching her idea. By Friday we had the script written and we shot it on Sat. She was awesome to work with, completely professional with great timing and ad libbed a bunch of lines.

That is just amazing, she needs to be more spur of the moment from now on!
Here is what Lindsay Lohan blogged on MySpace about her eHarmony video:

i just think it’s better to take something negative and turn it into something good… laughter is the BEST medicine 🙂

Amen! It is so true that laughter is the best medicine, I know I get a dose of that as much as possible!


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