Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sacha Baron Cohen returns to TV this Sunday for America!
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[ # ] Sacha Baron Cohen returns to TV this Sunday for America!
July 9th, 2018 under Sacha Baron Cohen, Showtime

It has been over 10 years since Sacha Baron Cohen has one of his undercover camera shows on the air, but that is all going to change this Sunday at 10p. After some hints over the last week, that something was in the works, Showtime finally confirmed it today.

Not much is known about the interview series, but the 7 episodes have been in production for the last year. David Nevins, President and CEO of Showtime Networks Inc. described it as, “He is the premier provocateur of our time, but not for the sake of ‘gotcha’ moments. Behind the elaborate setup is a genuine quest for the truth about people, places and politics. Nobody knows how to cause a stir like Sacha Baron Cohen, and it’s going to be fascinating to watch what happens when WHO IS AMERICA? is released on the world.”

Cohen interviews everyone from famous politicians to the average Joe to talk about politics. What he finds out will more than definitely get people talking!


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