Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ryan Star almost turned down Supernova
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[ # ] Ryan Star almost turned down Supernova
July 20th, 2006 under Rock Star: Supernova

Ryan Star was already selling out shows as an Indie artist before he got the call that he had been selected for Rock Star Supernova.  In an exclusive interview with Reality TV Magazine, Ryan Star said “when they told me I made it I actually turned it down.”  However, Ryan did eventually decide to go forward with Rock Star, and he tells Reality TV Magazine if he wins then he believes "with me they would actually record more than one album" and how some of his fellow rock stars “should be up for an Emmy.”

Reality TV Magazine 

I get it that he sold a few albums, but so what. No one really knew who he was until the show and if then. I mean his attitude towards Dana made him look like the d!ck that he is. I doubt he will go much further.


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