Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Robin Williams checks out of rehab and checks into a clinic
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[ # ] Robin Williams checks out of rehab and checks into a clinic
September 24th, 2006 under Rehab, Robin Williams

A couple of months ago, we reported that, having reached crisis point with both his alcohol addiction and his marriage, comedian-turned-actor Robin Williams had checked into rehab. Now we hear he’s checked himself out. But he’s not going home. Williams packed himself of to Oregon’s Hazelden Springbrook Clinic for 30 days of treatment when wife Marsha gave him a “get help or I’m leaving” ultimatum. Williams had been sober for more than 20 years but fell off the wagon a couple of years ago while making The Big White. Having seen it ourselves, we’d probably turn to drink, too. After 30 days of treatment, he decided he needed another 30 days.


I hope he gets the help he needs! He is one of my favorite actors and can not wait to see him in his next movie!



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