Seriously? OMG! WTF? » REO Speedwagon can’t fight this feeling to stop touring
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[ # ] REO Speedwagon can’t fight this feeling to stop touring
September 17th, 2024 under Concerts/Tours

REO Speedwagon has been touring for over 55 years, but at the end of this year, they are no longer going to take it on the run.

Late last year, guitarist Bruce Hall had to take medical leave to undergo back surgery and recuperate.

I guess he was ready to rejoin the band on that road, but instead, they made a shocking announcement:

To our fans: Bruce has intended to be Back On the Road Again by now. If it were up to just him, he’d be back on tour… but it’s not up to just him. The consensus opinion was that he had not recovered sufficiently to be able to perform at the level the fans have come to expect. Bruce respected that opinion and is grateful that Matt has been around to keep the Wagon rolling through the summer tour. Bruce never had any intention of retiring or walking away from the band, fans, and crew he has loved for almost 50 years.

For Kevin’s [Cronin] part, he too has never had any intention of leaving the band, and the fans and crew mean the world to him, as well.

Due to this complex situation, irreconcilable differences arose between Bruce and Kevin. So, it is with great sadness that we announce REO Speedwagon will cease touring effective January 1, 2025. Neal, Kevin, and Bruce thank their fans for all their years of loyal support and for giving back to the band such wonderful memories that will remain with each of them forever.

When Hall saw that statement online, he made his own:

Hey Everyone,
Never ever thought it would end like this and I’m heartbroken. Please know Neal [Doughty] and I did everything in our power to try and keep the Wagon rolling. I am so appreciative of ALL the amazing love & support. You guys have been very vocal and clear in your wishes for me to return to the stage. Trust me…that’s all I wanted too. We all deserved a farewell tour.
For the record, I wanted REO Speedwagon to continue to tour with the lineup of Kevin, myself, Dave [Amato], Bryan [Hitt] and Derek [Hilland]. Just as it was prior to my necessary, planned and successful back surgery.
I love and will miss you all,

I am assuming that they couldn’t keep the fire burnin’ and roll with changes, so the bandmates can’t keep on loving each other in a tour bus.

It is a sad day in Rock’n’Roll as they let the singer live out the lyrics to Time For Me To Fly. BTW I don’t know the songs, so I don’t know if he is really living out the lyrics. But he is living the title. So there is that.


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