Rachel Bloom/Instagram
On September 22nd,
Rachel Bloom won an Emmy and revealed that she is pregnant with her first child with Dan Gregor. Today, she announced that she and her husband are the proud parents of a little girl.
She’s here. She’s home.
Having a baby in the NICU during a pandemic while a dear friend was in the hospital 3,000 miles away made this by far the most emotionally intense week of mine and Gregor’s lives. As the lovely doctors and nurses helped my daughter get some fluid out of her lungs, we watched the maternity ward around us change hourly to prepare for the upcoming COVID storm. The whole family is now home safe and I am just so grateful to all of our medical workers. From those in our NICUs to those directly helping COVID patients like Adam, they are sacrificing so much to fight on the front lines of this war. Thank you thank you thank you.
Brb, gonna go get to know the person who came out of my vagina.
The friend she was talking about is her writing partner Adam Schlesinger, and he sadly lost his battle with COVID-19 shortly after she posted this announcement.
I cannot even imagine the rush of emotions she must be going through at this moment. Dealing with a new life and the loss of life at the same time while you are extremely hormonal is an awful thing to go through. My heart goes out to her.